金沙娱乐城线上赌场 2023年秋季非学历留学生线下中文课程招生简章
发布者: 发布时间:2023-03-21 阅读: 7654
招生对象: 持有效外国普通护照的非中国籍公民
年龄要求: 18-55周岁
身体状况: 身体健康,达到办理来华学习签证或居留证件的体检标准
其他要求: 对华友好,品行端正,遵纪守法,尊重中国人民的风俗习惯,无违规犯罪记录
请点击金沙娱乐城线上赌场 非学历汉语言留学生报名网页//jinshuju.net/f/T8jlCi 在线提交申请。
三、 报名申请时间
四、学习时间: 2023年8月底至2024年1月初
学生自行到校可选择以下交通方式:①从飞机场乘机场大巴到中信广场后打车到学院;②从飞机场直接打车到学院约130元;③乘地铁3号线至广州火车东站下车,从J出口出站过人行天桥后,直行约200米到学院。④乘89、54、B11路公交车在春晖苑站下车;乘560、298、60路公交车在瘦狗岭站下车;乘138、27路公交车在九洲文化广场站下车,从以上车站步行到金沙娱乐城线上赌场 约1至3分钟。
根据有关政策,学生须入住金沙娱乐城 学生宿舍。
楼名 | 类型 | 费用 | 配置 |
笃行楼、敬慎楼 | 四人房 | 3000元/学期/人 | 房内配置床、椅子、书桌、书架及衣柜等家具,设有独立卫生间、空调及网络接口,可24小时供应热水。楼内设有自助洗衣机。 |
备注: 1. 床上用品须自备;
2. 入住时,须缴交一张一寸照片和一张护照复印件交至宿舍楼服务台;
(注意:学宿费标准须报政府物价部门审批,如有变动,以物价部门批准为准。学校接收银联卡刷卡及微信、支付宝扫码、人民币现金一次性交费。一经注册,若因学生本人个人原因退学,所交费用根据金沙娱乐城线上赌场 学生退费管理办法(试行版)执行。)
收款单位账号:648357742811(SWIFT CODE:BKCH CN BJ400)
报名咨询:招生办公室(电 话:86-20-87205925;电子邮件:ojsylgame.com)
2023 Autumn Prospectus for Non-degree Chinese Language Program Offline Course for International Students of the College of Chinese Language & Culture, Jinan University
I.General Requirements
1) Target Group: Non-Chinese citizens holding valid foreign ordinary passports
2) Age requirement: 18-55 years old
3) Physical Condition: In good health, meets the health examination standards of applying for a student visa or residence permit in China.
4) Other Requirements: The applicant should be friendly to China, honest, law-abiding, respects the customs of Chinese people and has no record of violating school rules, public security punishment or criminal record.
Submit the online applications at website://jinshuju.net/f/T8jlCi
Ⅲ. Application Date:From now on toJune 1st, 2023.
IV. Study period for the semester: The end of August 2023 to beginning of January 2024
V.Enrollment and Visa Application
According to relevant laws and regulations, after the application of a student is received, the college will conduct the initial review and apply for JW202 form (Visa application form for study in China), it will take about 12 weeks for the procedure. IF students have passed the review and are enrolled, they will receive email of admission confirmation from the college. JW202 and Admission Notice will be mailed to the applicant as required (Mailing time is about 1 week). Students should apply for Student’s visa (“X1” visa) to the Chinese embassy or consulate in their own country with the documents sent and other documents required by the embassy, then come to the college to register as required.
If you have studied in any university in China, please provide your passport, visa page, transcript, attendance certificate (more than 80%) and transfer certificate. The specific requirements will be notified by email.
International students from some countries are required to submit a certificate of no crime and resume notarized by the Chinese embassy. The specific requirements will be notified by email.
Foreign students under the age of 18 should be under the custody of a guardian, who must be a local resident of Guangdong. Notarized certification of the guardianship must be submitted. The specific requirements will be notified by email.
Students in some countries need to submit financial and economic certificates, and the specific requirements will be notified by email.
VI.Medical Examination
Medical examination in Guangdong International Travel Health Care Center will be arranged for freshmen after registration. Unqualified students will be rejected. Students who have had medical examinations in other countries should bring the original documents, which will be validated after being authenticated by the Guangdong International Travel Health Care Center.
According to the “Provisional Regulations for Compulsory International Student Insurance at Higher Institutions of Learning” issued by the Education Ministry of the P.R China, international students in China must buy a group comprehensive insurance sold in mainland China (including free of particular average, personal accident insurance, medical insurance). The insurance should be bought upon registration. Otherwise, the registration will be rejected.
Students can choose to go to the college through (1) By taking the airport shuttle to Zhongxin Square and then by taxi go to our college. Taking a taxi cost about 15 yuan. (2) Taking a taxi at the airport directly to our college costs about 120-130 yuan RMB.(3) Taking subway Line 1 to Guangzhou East Railway Station. After getting off, you should get out from Exit J and cross the pedestrian overpass, and go east for about 200 metres to get to our college. (4) If you take Bus 89, Bus 54, Bus B11, get off at Stop Chunhuiyuan; if you take Bus 560, Bus 298, Bus 60, get off at Stop Sougouling; if you take Bus 138, Bus 27, get off at Stop Jiuzhou Wenhua Guangchang. Walk from the above stops to our college takes about 1-3 minutes.
According to relevant policy, students must live in students’ dormitory of the college.
X. Fees Currency: RMB
i. Application Fee:500 Yuan (it is not refundable whether you are enrolled or not);
ii. Tuition
Rudimentary, Intermediate and Advanced Chinese Language Class:8850 Yuan /semester.
iii. Dormitory Fees
Building | Type | Fee (RMB) | Facilities |
Du’xing Building and Jing’shen Building | Room for 4 people | 3,000Yuan/semester/person | Each room has its own bathroom with hot water, air conditioner and internet connection and there are furnitures like bed, wardrobe, and study table with chair inside. Inside building there are washing machines. |
Note: 1. Beddings are not provided.
2.Please submit your 1inch photo and 1 copy of passport to our dormitory receptionist.
iv. Miscellaneous Fees
Total about 1400 Yuan RMB. Charged according to actual cost including the fees of medical examination, prophylactic inoculation for hepatitis type A& B, Visa, Campus IC Card, international student’s comprehensive insurance, residential permit, text books, etc.
The college charges in RMB.All fees must be paid by Union pay cards, we chat, Alipay or by cash. Overseas bank cards or other kinds of cards cannot be used.All fees above must be paid upon registration. None of the fees above are refundable if the students quit from school for their personal reasons after registration.
XI. Guidance for Remittance of Fees
BENEFICIARY:College of Chinese Language & Culture, Jinan University
Note: Before paying all fee, students please make sure the e-mail of the confirmation of admission is received. Or pay all fee upon the arrival of college. Application Fee is not refundable whether you are enrolled or not. IF you transfer through bank account, in column of Note, please fill in passport name and passport number of the student.
XII.Contact us:
Admission Office(Tel: 86-20-87205925;Email: ojsylgame.com)